interview with ID Magazine, September 2004
ID: What single thing would improve your life?
KG: The birth of my baby in decemberID: If you were invisible for a day, what would you do?
KG: Throw cream pies in the faces of Bush, Blair, Chirac, Berlusconi and Sharon, dance naked around the pope, make the windows code public, steal the crown jewels, spraypaint a mustache and goatee on the Mona Lisa, smoke Fidel's cigars, make love to Madonna and break Sting's guitarID: What would you take to the streets to protest about?
KG: The stupidity of politicians, George W Bush, monopolies, George W Bush, freedom of speech, George W Bush, mediocrity and George W BushID: Who is the most inspiring person you've met and why ?
KG: Antonio Negri - he has never compromised his ideals and still has a great sense of humour and curiosity.ID: What would you do to make the world a better place?
KG: Close disney and use the profits to pay off the third world debtID: Is there anything that you would refuse to buy on principle?
KG: Bad food, bad wine, macdonalds, rock music and anything made in a sweatshopID: What makes you smile?
KG: Living in belgiumID: What's your biggest hope for the future?
KG: That george bush will be sent to the International Criminal Court and Cicciolina elected president of the United States due to a miss-count in Florida